K-12 Souring Climate:
Can Michigan tart cherry growers adapt to a changing climate?
What would it be like if your favorite food was no longer available for you to buy at the store?
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With climate change affecting farmers across the world, this could become a reality for certain types of crops. In Northern Michigan, cherry growing has been a way of life for many years. It has always been a risky business, but changes to the industry and climate have made it even riskier. Through this case you will follow a young tart cherry grower, Frank, who is looking to get started in the business and continue a family tradition in Leelanau County, where fruit growing is a way of life. He faces a number of decisions that will impact his success in the long run, but only if he can stay afloat long enough to get there. Frank's experience is narrated throughout the case, but the interviews and scientific ideas presented are real data that cherry farmers use to plan their next moves. You will explore how farmers like Frank are adapting to changing conditions and examine how these processes affect individuals and the farming industry as a whole.
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