Biofuels: Beneficial or Bad?:
Should a Ghanaian chief sell his land for biofuel crop cultivation?
A biofuel company wants to grow jatropha, but their operations could create problems in addition to socioeconomic opportunity.
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For decades, Ghana has faced energy shortages that have stymied economic growth and industrial development. The energy crisis has become more acute in recent years, forcing businesses and individuals to adapt, often by finding their own alternative sources of energy. As Ghana struggles to meet its energy needs amid environmental and governance challenges, one potential solution that has emerged is the use of biofuels, such as Jatropha, that may offer energy independence and reliability. However, their production comes with costs as well as benefits. This podcast examines the methodology of producing biofuels, their benefits as an energy source, and how biofuels impact the environment and food scarcity in Ghana.
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