Butter Grows on Trees in Mali:
Which approach should be adopted to support better Shea tree cover in Mali, improve women’s economic and social positions, create greater equity, and longer lasting achievements?
You will determine: the problem, the decision-makers, evaluation criteria and a recommendation plan for this sustainability and development decision case which raises connected issues of livelihoods, gender equity, reforestation, and climate.
Fanta Sacko learned of the approval of a “Shea Tree Reforestation Grant” to the Malian government from the Spanish aid agency. The goal of the project is to empower women by improving their access to Shea trees and nuts. Improved Shea tree cover will contribute to better earnings in the Shea butter value chain. Greater access to Shea tree nuts and fruits has the potential to improve and standardize local processing methods, increase the quantity and quality of extracted Shea butter, procuring inputs at lower prices, strengthening market access, and helping women with loans and needed money for food so that they could sell the butter at times when market prices are higher.
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